Borrowing Equipment
Borrowing Materials/Policies
- Borrowing Materials Policy
- Interlibrary Loan / Get Materials That Are Not Here
- Course Textbooks And Reserves
- Library Charges/Fines Appeal Form
- Library Preferred Name Change Form
Technology & Printing
- Laptop Computers
- Desktop Computers (Software Availability)
- Adobe Creative Cloud (Photoshop, Illustrator, etc.)
- Access From Off-Campus
- Printing In The Libraries
- Wireless (ArgoAir)
- SMART Boards
- 3D Printing & Makerspace
- Library Media Studio
Research Help & Library Instruction
Places to Study
- The Great Good Place
- Quiet Floor
- Private & Group Study Rooms / Daily & Semester Carrels
- Reserve The Library's Classroom
Graduate Students Services
- Graduate Student Research Guide
- Private/Group Study Rooms And Testing Rooms (Semester Carrels)
Distance Learner Delivery Services
Distance Learners who live over 50 miles from our physical campuses may request that UWF books and books obtained from interlibrary loan be mailed to their homes. In both OneSearch and your interlibrary loan profile, select "Distance Learner" as your pick-up location when you request books. We will mail to the address we have on file. Distance Learners will be responsible for return shipping costs.