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Graduate Student Travel

The Graduate Student Travel Award offers financial support through the Office of the Provost. 

The 2023/2024 Graduate Student Travel Award is an excellent opportunity for our graduate students to participate in conference presentations and competitions. This award offers excellent networking and career development opportunities while highlighting the recipient's leadership skills.

Graduate students may apply for a travel award of up to $750 once per degree level (master's, doctoral, or specialist). The submission deadline is the first Friday of each month; the requests will be reviewed and processed by the third Friday of each month.

The Graduate Student Travel Award is open to all graduate students, regardless of their discipline and course format (on-campus or online). To qualify for this award, graduate students must complete their travel before graduation. 

All funding requests should be submitted via email to For more information on how to apply for this award, see the details provided below.


A graduate student may participate in multiple conferences or competitions with a maximum funding of $750 per degree, whether in person or virtually. 


Graduate students can apply once for each degree level- Master's, Specialist, and Doctoral.


The Graduate Student Travel Award is available to all campus and online graduate students regardless of discipline.


The deadline for submitting requests is the first Friday of each month. Decisions will be made by the third Friday of the same month.


The Graduate School will credit the Graduate Student Travel Award scholarship to the traveling student’s CashNet account and provide accident/health insurance.


* Please note: If your CashNet account has a balance due, this award will be paid toward the balance.

*This award is not approved for research.


Send the following information to
  • Student name
  • UWF Student ID
  • Program (Master’s, Specialist, Doctoral)
  • Estimated cost/budget (i.e., registration, flight/rental, hotel, taxi/Uber, etc.)
 Conference/Competition Information:
  • Event Name
  • Date(s) (date of departure & date of return)
  • Location (include City & State)
  • Description of conference/competition
  • Confirmation of acceptance to the conference/competition (send this Confirmation)
Presentation Information:
  • Title
  • Abstract
  • Author(s)
  • Letter of support: The academic department chair's letter of support.