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Retired Employees Association Charter



Adopted December 15, 2022


The name of this organization shall be The University of West Florida Retired Employees Association.
The University of West Florida Retired Employees Association (UWF REA) is an entity within the Division of University Advancement of the University of West Florida (UWF).


The purposes of the UWF REA are (1) to keep UWF retirees informed of opportunities for engagement with the university community, university benefits to which they are entitled, and other resources available to them; (2) to promote the fellowship and welfare of retired employees, (3) to support the educational, research, and service missions of The University of West Florida, and (4) to conduct other activities approved by the Board of Directors.

Membership status in the UWF REA is based on nature of the affiliation with the University and on the level of annual contributions to the UWF REA account in The University of West Florida Foundation.

Membership designation based on Affiliation

  • Retiree: All UWF retirees, by virtue of their retirement status, are regular members of the UWF REA.
  • Spouse: The spouse of a retiree, or the surviving spouse of a deceased employee may become a regular member of the UWF REA.
  • Associate Member: Interested individuals not eligible for regular membership may become associate members if approved by the Board of Directors. Associate Members are expected to make an annual contribution to the UWF REA foundation account.
  • Honorary Member: Individuals whom the UWF REA wishes to honor may be awarded honorary membership, if approved by the Board of Directors. Honorary Members are not expected to make an annual contribution to the UWF REA foundation account.

Membership designation based on level of annual contributions

There shall be at least three membership designations based on level of annual contributions to the UWF REA account in the UWF Foundation.  The Board of Directors, in consultation with the Division of Advancement, may identify additional designations based on level of annual contributions.

  • Friend (no annual contributions)
  • Active Member (a minimum annual contribution as set by the Board of Directors)
  • Sustaining Member (a higher minimum annual contribution as set by the Board of Directors)

Membership Eligibility

The question of eligibility of an individual for any membership category shall be determined by the Membership Committee with notification to and approval of the Board of Directors.

Eligibility to Vote and Hold Office

All UWF retirees are eligible to vote and hold office in the UWF REA.  Spouses and Associate Members who are Active Members or Sustaining Members are eligible to vote and hold office in the UWF REA.

Membership Dues.  In lieu of dues, members make annual contributions to the UWF REA foundation account in support of the activities of the UWF REA.  Minimum contribution levels associated with the Active Member and Sustaining Member designations shall be recommended by the Board of Directors to the Vice President for the Division of University Advancement. 

Membership Year

Membership shall be on a fiscal year basis beginning July 1 of each year.


Annual Meeting.  There shall be an annual meeting of the membership of the UWF REA each year, to be held in the spring at a time and place designated by the Board of Directors.  Business matters shall be conducted when properly presented for action. The election of officers and board members from an approved slate shall be conducted at the annual meeting. 

Special Meetings.  Special meetings of the UWF REA may be called by the Board of Directors on its own initiative or by petition signed by at least one fourth of the Active and Sustaining Members of the UWF REA to consider matters stated in the petition.

Quorum Ten percent of the Active and Sustaining Members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the UWF REA.

Rules of Order.  Robert’s Rules of Order shall be followed at all UWF REA and Board of Directors meetings.


The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers and two additional elected at-large members of the UWF REA and shall be responsible for governing the UWF REA.  Elected at-large Board of Directors members shall serve terms of two years and shall not be eligible to serve more than two consecutive terms.    Directors shall be elected by written ballot from a previously approved slate distributed to all eligible voting members at least one month prior to the annual meeting.  Newly elected Directors shall assume their duties at the beginning of the fiscal year.   A majority of the Board members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The Executive Committee shall fill by appointment any vacancy that may occur on the Board.  The Board of Directors may be referred to as “the Board” in this document.



Executive Committee.  The officers of the UWF REA shall be known as the Executive Committee and be comprised of the President, Vice President/President Elect, Past President, Secretary and Treasurer.  The President and Vice President/President Elect shall serve a term of one year in those offices respectively.  The Secretary and Treasurer shall serve a term of two years. All officers will be elected from and by the members eligible to vote at the annual meeting.  Newly elected officers shall assume their duties at the beginning of the fiscal year.  The duties and responsibilities of the officers shall be as contained in the Bylaws

Committees. There shall be standing committees as provided in the Bylaws and such ad hoc committees as shall be determined by the Executive Committee or requested by the Board of Directors.


The records of the UWF REA shall be maintained by the Division of University Advancement.


The Charter, Bylaws, and other official documents of the UWF REA may be amended either by (a) a two thirds majority vote of the eligible voting UWF REA members present at any membership meeting provided that notice has been given and ten percent or more of the Active and Sustaining Members are present or (b) by majority vote of the ballots returned from a written poll of the UWF REA’s eligible voting membership.  Written notice of proposed amendments must be sent to the membership one month before the meeting at which they are to be acted upon.  Should the Board decide to submit proposed amendments by mail ballot, a period of one month from the date of mailing must be allowed for receipt of valid ballots.


Should it become necessary to dissolve the UWF REA, any assets held by the UWF REA outside of The University of West Florida Foundation are to be donated to the Foundation to enhance scholarship opportunities for UWF students.


Retired Employees Association Bylaws



Board of Directors.  
The Board of Directors shall direct the activities of the UWF REA between meetings; formulate and recommend policies of the UWF REA; establish policies for expenditure of UWF REA funds; approve all standing committee appointments; negotiate with any group or organization in the interest of the UWF REA; perform such other duties as may properly pertain to the activities of the UWF REA or as provided in the Charter or Bylaws.

The President
 The President works closely with the Division of University Advancement to promote the purposes and activities of the UWF REA. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Board, Executive Committee, and the UWF REA; consult with the Executive Committee in the establishment of the agenda for meetings of the UWF REA and of the Board; appoint members of all committees; foster programs and activities to accomplish the purpose of the UWF REA and provide leadership for the Board; create necessary ad hoc or special committees and assign specific duties to Board members.  The President becomes Past President in the year following serving as President.  

Vice President/President Elect.  The Vice President/President Elect becomes the President of the UWF REA in the second year of his/her term and Past President in the third year.  He/she shall assume the responsibilities of the President in his/her absence; arrange for the writing, printing, and mailing of all UWF REA notices and correspondence; and with committee assistance coordinate and recommend to the Board arrangements for meetings and events. 

The Secretary, The Secretary, in cooperation with the Division of University Advancement, is responsible for recording and maintaining a permanent file of all records of the UWF REA and Board meetings; sending notices of all meetings to Directors, Executive Committee, and UWF REA members as appropriate; and keeping current membership listings with both home and e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers.

The Treasurer The Treasurer, in cooperation with the Division of University Advancement, shall manage the financial affairs of the UWF REA, including preparing an annual budget; keeping all fiscal records permanently and paying all bills; reporting on the status of membership dues paid; and providing a monthly financial report of UWF REA foundation account and bank account balances, receipts, and expenditures to Board.


Executive Committee.  The Executive Committee is composed of the officers of the UWF REA; does fact-finding and preliminary work for the Board and proposes policy(ies) for consideration by the Board.

Finance Committee.  The Finance Committee shall be chaired by the Treasurer and shall assist that officer in preparing the annual budget and administering the funds of the UWF REA as provided by the Board.  Members are appointed by the Board and shall serve two-year terms.  The Chair shall regularly report the UWF REA’s financial status to the Board and the UWF REA.

Membership Committee:  The Membership Committee shall be chaired by the Vice President/President Elect.  In coordination with representatives from the Division of University Advancement, the committee shall develop and recommend to the Board membership recruitment plans and implement adopted plans as directed by the Executive Committee.  The Chair shall regularly report membership status to the Board and the UWF REA.

Nominating Committee.  The Nominating Committee shall be chaired by the immediate Past President and meet in advance of the Annual Meeting of the UWF REA.  The Committee shall submit to the Board for approval a slate of candidates for open officer and Board positions.  The slate must be published to the members at least one month prior to the Annual Meeting.

Sunshine Committee.  The Sunshine Committee shall be chaired by a one of the elected at-large members of the Board. Working in coordination with the Division of University Advancement, the Committee shall be responsible for sending messages of congratulation and/or care to UWF REA members experiencing significant life events.  The Chair shall regularly report on activities to the Board and the UWF REA.

Ad Hoc Committees.  The Board may appoint ad hoc committees to conduct UWF REA programs and events, or for the study of special problems. These committees shall report to the Board and shall serve at its pleasure.


 Amendments are provided for in Article VIII of the UWF REA Charter