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The Secrets Behind Grant Writing

November 3, 2023 | Lisa Gibbs

Grant binder and professional on computer

Let’s face it, grant writing can be a daunting task. Knowing that it is a critical process to secure funding for your non-profit or organization, it can be an extremely nerve-wracking and anxious process to go through. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back. UWF Continuing Education’s online grant writing program is designed to help you navigate the world of grants with confidence. 

What will I learn in the course? 

This course covers the most important aspects of grant writing, focusing on the rhetorical and audience analysis skills needed to read a Request for Proposal (RFP). It also teaches how to create an intentional message that targets the specific expectations of a granting agency in form, content and style that clearly articulates your project or organization’s mission and need for funding.

You will also work to put into practice the fundamental elements of a grant proposal, such as objectives, problems addressed, methodology, evaluation, assessments, budget and effective cover letters. By the end of this program, you will come out a more ambitious and compelling grant seeker! 

Are there any grant writing jobs? 

Though it may seem like a niche field, grant writing is a very important job that many organizations look to hire. Unfortunately, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) does not collect data specific to this occupation and include grant writers among other types or writers and authors. 

Here are the statistics that would best match grant writers:

  • Job outlook: 7% (Faster than average) 
  • Number of Jobs, 2022: 53,300 
  • Median Pay: $79,960 per year or $38.44 per hour 

What makes our program special?  

The process of grant writing is already stressful, so attend school for in-person courses can be an added stressor. This fully online course is self-paced so that you can work through the content at your own pace. The course access is 22 weeks long, with students completing it in an average of 18 weeks. Led by a UWF professor, this class provides a valuable opportunity to ask all your relevant questions and engage with an expert in writing and securing grant funding. 

Don’t let the stress of grant writing affect your proposals. Learn more about our grant writing program